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Recharge Activities in Skaggs School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The below resource details the names, primary contacts and locations of recharge activities residing under the Skaggs School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPS). Where available, links are provided to the web site of each recharge activity.

NMR Facility

Website: NMR Facility

Primary Contact: Brendan Duggin

Location: Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, Room 0103

Activity Description:  The SSPPS NMR Facility provides access to more powerful instrumentation that requires much less sample than the instrumentation available from DCBC, SIO, or Numega Resonance Labs. The instrumentation at these facilities is not capable of performing the same type of work achievable at the SSPPS NMR Facility.

Major Equipment: 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer, 1.7mm and 5mm triple resonance cryoprobes, 24 position sample changer

Screening Core

Website: Screening Core

Primary Contact: Jair Siquera-Neto

Location: PSB - 4170

Activity Description: The UCSD Screening Core is of great interested to all the research community interested in drug discovery for any particular indication. The facility offers consultation and infrastructure to enable screening assays to identify small molecules with the desired biological activity. The Core is currently understaffed and does not generate enough funds to be self sustained due to high cost of instrument maintenance. The Core is currently subsidised by Dr. Siqueira-Neto, director of the Core. He covers the salary of the SRA III currently operating the Core out of his own grants. Institutional support covering the Core manager and instrument maintenance would greatly improve activities and allow more stable operations.

Major Equipment: Echo 650, ImageXpress Micro, Biomeck Fx, In Vivo Imaging System