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Recharge Activities in Pathology

The below resource details the names, primary contacts and locations of recharge activities residing under the Department of Pathology. Where available, links are provided to the web site of each recharge activity.

Comparative Neuromuscular Lab (CNL)

Website: Comparative Neuromuscular Lab (CNL)

Primary Contact: Diane Shelton

Location: BSB Building, Room 2095

Activity Description: The Comparative Neuromuscular Laboratory, established at UCSD in 1990, is an international reference center dedicated to the diagnosis and study of spontaneous neuromuscular diseases in companion animals. The laboratory is directed by G. Diane Shelton DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Internal Medicine) and Professor in the Department of Pathology.  Dr. Shelton is a recognized specialist in comparative neuromuscular diseases with over 170 publications relevant to both human and veterinary medicine (PubMed; Shelton GD ).  Specialized testing performed in this laboratory includes evaluation of muscle and peripheral nerve biopsies by State-of-the-Art methods, immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting for the diagnosis of various muscular dystrophies and other congenital myopathies, and testing  for acetycholine  receptor antibodies for the diagnosis of canine and feline myasthenia  gravis. Metabolic testing for inborn errors is performed in collaboration with the Biochemical Genetics Laboratory at UCSD. The faculty and staff of the Comparative Neuromuscular  Laboratory hope that this website provides valuable information  to clinicians, researchers, pet owners and anyone interested in comparative neuromuscular diseases. 

Major Equipment: Wizard 2 Gamma Counter 5-Detecter, Centrifuge 5804, Leica CM1860 Configuration USA 120 v/60 Hz, Spot Digital Camera, Panasonic VIP Series Freezer, Panasonic VIP Series Freezer, Thermo Scientific Revco Refrigerator

Human and Animal Tissue Technology Center

Website: Human and Animal Tissue Technology Center

Primary Contact: Don Pizzo

Location: CALM, Suite 120, Room 1251

Activity Description: The core provides a full suite of histology services and offers a close collaboration with investigators that are far beyond that from non-University services.

Major Equipment: TP1020 Tissue Processor, EG1150 H+C Embedder, Microtome, RM2265 Motorized Microtome, Microscope, Ventana Discovery

Mass Spectrometry Analysis Core

Primary Contact: Dr. Robert Fitzgerald

Location: CALM, Room 1314

Activity Description: This core offers testing for a panel of cannabinoids that is not offered by University/non-University sources.

Major Equipment: Waters TQS micro ultra performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry

Mouse Phenotyping Histopathology

Website: Mouse Phenotyping Histopathology Core

Primary Contact: Nissi Varki

Location: BSB Building, Room 200

Activity Description: UCSD Mouse Phenotyping Services offers consultation, information and training, in order to complete a comprehensive investigation of mutant animals, as compared to littermate controls. Introduction to the proper orientation and processing of tissues in order to accurately evaluate histology and histopathology is crucial in the understanding of pathologic processes in animal models of human disease. Educational classes, to help with optimum handling of tissues, are offered annually in the Fall Quarter.  Students may also obtain information on certification in histotechnology.

Major Equipment: small tissue processor, RM2125 Microtome

UCSD Murine Hematology and Coagulation Core Laboratory

Website: UCSD Murine Hematology and Coagulation Core Laboratory

Primary Contact: Dzung Le

Location: Israni Biomedical Research Facility, Room 4217LL

Activity Description: This core offers hematology, serum chemistry, and coagulation services.  The Core was established more than 25 years ago as part of the NIH funded Program Project Grant (PPG) (PI Ajit Varki). Since then, it has been continuously supported by a variety of NIH PPGs, the latest ending in May31, 2026.  Currently, the PPGs support 80% of the SRA and the recharges contributes the rest as well as other expenses in the lab. 

Major Equipment: ST-4 semi-automated coagulometers (Diagnostica Stago), HEMA VET 950 FS Automated Multi species Hematology System (Drew Scientific), kinetic microtiter plate reader with temperature control (Molecular Device), four channel platelet aggregometer with whole blood assay capability (Model 700, Chrono-log Corp)