Recharge Activities in Medical Education
The below resource details the names, primary contacts and locations of recharge activities residing under the Medical Education (MedEd). Where available, links are provided to the web site of each recharge activity.
Website: Professional Development Center
Primary Contact: Robert McAulay
Location: MET Building, LL104
Activity Description: The Standardized Patient Program is comprised of individuals referred to as Standardized or Simulated Patients or Participants (SPs) who are specially trained to accurately and authentically portray actual patients.
The program is an educational resource providing opportunities for clinical skills learning, practice and assessment for UC San Diego School of Medicine, Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, UC San Diego Graduate Medical Education, and UC San Diego Continuing Professional Development.
Website: SIM Training Center
Primary Contact: Preetham Suresh
Location: MET Building, LL
Activity Description: The use of simulation technologies in the medical curriculum has dramatically grown and taken on an ever more important role. The old mantra of "see one, do one, teach one" has been upgraded using simulation to allow trainees and providers to practice procedures, crisis management and teamwork via simulation.
The Simulation Training Center includes a variety of simulated clinical spaces.