Primary Contact: Xin Tu
Location: Stein Building, Room 147
Activity Description: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Laboratory (BBL) Shared Resource provides two distinct services: bio statistical consulting, including advice on methodologic issues, sample size calculations, clinical trials design, protocol review and planning, mathematical modeling and advanced analysis of complex problems for investigators submitting proposals and/or engaged in research and clinical trials; and informatics services including design and development of complex data bases.
Primary Contact: Sonia Jain
Location: MTF Building, Room 165
Activity Description: The Biostatistics Research Center (BRC) provides statistical design and analysis support to projects. Statistical collaboration is performed with Dr. Jain, a faculty biostatistician, working jointly with experienced staff principal statisticians. The advantages are that the team approach brings knowledge and skill in the application and interpretation of biostatistical tools to the study group, while the statisticians provide a high level of skill in the implementation of required data analysis. BRC offers expertise in applied and methodological biostatistics collaborative research. Methodological collaborations include Bayesian methods, adaptive clinical trial design, N-of-1 trial design, and other novel clinical trial designs.
Website: Exercise & Physical Activity Resource Center (EPARC)
Primary Contact:
Location: Atkinson Hall, Rooms 3406, 3504, 6661
Activity Description: The Exercise and Physical Activity Resource Center (EPARC) is a joint venture between the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, the Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems (CWPHS), and the California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2). EPARC maintains a fully equipped laboratory to support the research community, train medical students and residents, and conduct comprehensive health-related fitness and performance assessments for the general public. EPARC also serves as an independent testing laboratory for the commercial health and fitness sector. We provide opportunities to assess and validate new technologies under nondisclosure agreements, and we also offer a laboratory-loan program for R&D departments.
Website: Health Services Research Center (HSRC)
Primary Contact: Erik Groessl
Location: 6363 Greenwich Drive, Ste 120
Activity Description: The UC San Diego Health Services Research Center (HSRC) is a comprehensive research center established in 1989 to provide practical solutions for real world health services problems in order to improve health outcomes and quality of life. HSRC resides in the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science.
Services include data collection, data processing and management, data analysis, program evaluation and implementation, health economic analysis, development of secure web-based informatics systems, clinical trial administration and management, sports and performance research, development and validation of measurement tools, dissemination of results, grant writing, study design and project planning.
Website: Integrative Health and Mind-Body Biomarker Laboratory
Primary Contact: Dr. Suzi Hong
Location: MTF Building, Room 431
Activity Description: Since 1993, the UC San Diego Integrative Health and Mind-Body Biomarker Laboratory (formerly named the Clinical Research Biomarker Laboratory) has provided biomarker assay consultation, assay performance, and data processing and interpretation services to academic and industry investigators. The services that the IH-MBB Lab currently provides are for various biospecimen types from research involving human participants and will soon expand to animal studies. In particular, the IH-MBB Lab’s role is to facilitate biomarker investigations for research in integrative medicine, behavioral medicine, and brain-body connections, as well as more traditional biomedical research. Collaborative efforts to foster biomedical and clinical research is the core mission of this laboratory.
Major Equipment: ECL Imaging System, Accuspin 3R Centrifuge