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Recharge Activities in Sanford Stem Cell Institute

The below resource details the names, primary contacts and locations of recharge activities residing under the Sanford Stem Cell Institute (SSCI). Where available, links are provided to the web site of each recharge activity.

Advanced Cell Therapy Lab

Website: Advanced Cell Therapy Lab

Primary Contact: Holly Young

Location: 10300 Campus Point Dr, Ste 1249

Activity Description:  The Advanced Cell Therapy Laboratory (ACTL) offers expert assistance and hands-on services to investigators who require cGLP/cGMP systems and facilities. We aid in the transition from research and development to compliant and clinically-relevant manufacture of cell therapy products for IND-enabling studies or Phase I/II trials.

Alpha Stem Cell Clinic

Website: Alpha Stem Cell Clinic

Primary Contact:

Location: ACTRI Building, 3rd floor west, rooms 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114

Activity Description: The UC San Diego CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinic addresses the specialized clinical trial needs of research involving cellular therapies and regenerative medicine, especially first in human, phase 1 safety trials for patients with unmet medical needs. In order to safeguard patients who are taking these novel experimental therapeutics, it is necessary to have clinical research staff specially trained in cellular applications in the clinic with knowledge of medical center, local, state and federal rules/regulations on cellular therapies. The staff’s training goes beyond the standard training in Good Clinical Practices and HIPAA. The staff attend and participate in quarterly meetings and yearly symposiums with other institutions in California who are part of the CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinic Network to stay abreast of new trials, products, and safety concerns in the cellular therapy arena. The staff has also completed focused training in a Stem Cell Translation course offered through the UCSD Clinical Research Enhancement through Supplemental Training (CREST) Program and completes continuing education in Stem Cell Ethics offered by the UCSD Research Ethics Program.

Alpha Stem Cell START

Website: Alpha Stem Cell START

Primary Contact:

Location: Torrey Pines Center North, Office E158

Activity Description:  The UC San Diego Sanford Stem Cell Institute’s Strategic Advisory Research Team (START) addresses the specialized pre-clinical trial needs of researchers involving stem cell and regenerative medicine for internal and external researchers. START’s pre-clinical team has gained notoriety by exhibiting the substantial expertise required to navigate FDA regulatory compliance processes - which represent a major hurdle for the advancement of innovative regenerative medicine and developing investigational stem cell and gene therapies from the bench to clinical trial initiation within the ASCC network. START services are unparallel and unique and not offered anywhere else.

Stem Cell Genomics Core

Website: Stem Cell Genomics Core

Primary Contact: Max Rempel

Location: Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, Rooms, B002, B007, and 1318

Activity Description: The UCSD Stem Cell Genomics Core provides training, specialized equipment and service to individuals working on genomics research for stem cell applications.

The SCGC serves as a primary source of scientific discovery to hundreds of scientists utilizing Stem Cell Genomic analysis, laboratory support and sorting via several Next-Generation Sequencing(NGS)instruments services. Functionality is dependent on Personnel, Equipment, Users, Supplies, and  Income.

Major Equipment: 10X Chromium Controller, 10X Genomics Chromium X, Dragonfly, Keyence, NovaSeq 2000, Revio, Tape Station 4200, Femto Pulse, GeoMx DSP

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Core Facility (Flow Cytometry Core)

Website: Human Embryonic Stem Cell Core Facility

Primary Contact: Cody Fine

Location: Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine, Rooms 1101, 1102, 1103, 1301, 1302, 1303

Activity Description:  The UCSD Human Stem Cell Core Facility (HESCCF) provides training, laboratory space, and specialized equipment to individuals working with human embryonic stem cells and other pluripotent cells. Users are charged for training, time spent using the cell culture biosafety cabinets, specialized equipment and special plastics. 

The HESCCF serves as a primary source of scientific discovery to hundreds of scientist utilizing Flow Cytometry analysis and sorting via several highly-specialized cutting-edge stem cell technologies. Functionality is dependent on Personnel, Equipment, Users, Supplies, and  Income.

Major Equipment: BD LSRFortessa™ X-20, FACSAria II Sorter, BD FACSAria™ Fusion, IncuCyte S3, Optima L-80 XP 

Molecular Imaging Core (MIC)

Website: Molecular Imaging Core (MIC)

Primary Contact:

Location: Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine

Activity Description:  The mission of the Molecular Imaging Center at Sanford Consortium (MIS) is to advance state-of-the-art in vivo preclinical imaging and spectroscopy techniques to better understand tissue and organ function, and to make these tools available to the greater biomedical research community.  The core facility provides services exclusively to UC San Diego faculty and investigators from affiliated Sanford Consortium research partners: the La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, the Scripps Research Institute and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.

The MICS Core holds the only equipment on-site that can produce in vivo and ex vivo MRI scans for novel stem cell regenerative life saving medicine therapies. MRI, PET/SPCET/CT, and Ultra sound services are limited and highly utilized by users of this core to produce advance research. 

Major Equipment: 11.7 T Horizontal Bruker BioSpec MRI, Perkin Elmer IVIS Spectrum, Siemens Inveon, Visualsonic Vevo