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Recharge Activities in CRBS

The below resource details the names, primary contacts and locations of recharge activities residing under the Center for Research in Biological Systems (CRBS).

Where available, links are provided to the web site of each recharge activity.

IT Facility

Website: IT Facility

Primary Contact: Nora Makhsudova

Location: BSB Building, Ste. 1000

Activity Description: Our services are designed to support NIH funded research projects (investigators), who require either data hosting/sharing, curation, processing or other IT support to fulfill requirements of their funded awards. For example, NIH now requires funded projects to submit data to an appropriate (to their data/science) repository for open sharing. In offering these services, we directly support the sustainability of our own research mission, which also relies upon the stability and maintenance of these services.Our services are designed to support NIH funded research projects (investigators), who require either data hosting/sharing, curation, processing or other IT support to fulfill requirements of their funded awards. For example, NIH now requires funded projects to submit data to an appropriate (to their data/science) repository for open sharing. In offering these services, we directly support the sustainability of our own research mission, which also relies upon the stability and maintenance of these services.

Neurocytology Lab

Website: Neurocytology Lab

Primary Contact: Nora Makhsudova

Location: BSB Building, Ste. 1000

Activity Description: The Neurocytology Core provides technical help to obtain and manage large scale data, broadening access to and the integrative use of advanced high throughput multiscale imaging tools and leading-edge analysis strategies. The types of research projects we support, include: 1) investigations requiring the traversal of spatiotemporal scales to reveal new insight and understanding of specific neural populations; 2) investigations which aim to mark and track neuronal processes and/or visualize targeted connectomes of local circuits within large volumes of nervous tissue in multiple animal models; 3) projects which seek to perform nano-histological assessment of cellular and subcellular level alterations associated with learning, physiological state, or disease; and 4) projects performing higher resolution 3D morphometric analysis of subcellular underpinnings of function, with particular emphasis on synaptic function as influenced by subcellular constituents (e.g., vesicles, spine apparatus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, actin, extracellular matrix components, etc.)

We provide access, expertise, training and facilitated use of many technologies and resources.

Major Equipment: FEI Titan Halo with Direct Detection, FEI Titan 80-300 (high base) with Direct Detection, JEOL JEM-3200EF w/ Direct Detection, JEOL JEM-1200EX, FEI Technai 12 Spirit, Zeiss Merlin SEM (with Gatan 3View Ultramicrotome), Zeiss Merlin GeminiSEM300 (with Gatan 3View Ultramicrotome), Zeiss/Xradia Versa 510, Olympus DSU, Olympus Flouview, Olympus Gemini, Leica SPE II, Leica EM PACT2, Baltec HMP 010, Leica Ultracut UCT, RMC Powertome