Website: AVRC Data Research Center (ADRC)
Primary Contact: Sheldon Morris
Location: TGF Building, Rooms 234, 220, 227, 236
Activity Description: The purpose of the recharge is to provide data management services to studies and specialzing in providing FDA Part 11 Compliant data documentation and data systems.
Website: Cardiovascular Physiology Core (Seaweed Core)
Primary Contact: Jeffrey Omens
Location: Israni Biomedical Research Facility, Rooms 1233, 1236A, 1237, 2111
Activity Description: The Laboratory carries out physiologic studies aimed at characterizing a cardiovascular physiologic phenotype associated with an induced genomic mutation. Other initiatives are directed at describing the potential mitigating effects of new therapeutic interventions on models of human disease, e.g., the ischemic-reperfusion injury seen with acute myocardial infarction. The development of new approaches, using 3D reconstructed murine magnetic resonance imaging to quantitate regional myocardial ischemia, has also been a significant focus of activity over the past years.
Major Equipment: VisualSonic Vevo serials machine, Adinstruments power lab chart, Millar instrument MPVultra, Millar catheters
Website: Laser Capture Microdissection Core (LCM)
Primary Contact: Stephanie Stanford
Location: ACTRI Building, LL2E 301
Activity Description: This core provides operator assisted use of LCM equipment.
Major Equipment: ArcturusXT™ Laser Capture Microdissection System, ArcturusXT™ Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) System
Website: Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Resource Core
Primary Contact: Anthony Molina
Location: Stein Building, 1st floor, Bay CC
Activity Description: MBR provides comprehensive support for mitochondrial bioenergetics research and access to state of the art technologies for mitochondrial respirometry. We support study design, execution, and data analysis. Unique aspects of our respirometry systems include high-throughput respirometry paired with automated plate imaging (XF96e Systems paired with Cytation Imaging) , and high-resolution respirometry (3 Oroboros O2K systems).
Major Equipment: Agilent Seahorse XFe96, Oroboros Instruments O2k
Primary Contact: Maripat Corr, MD
Location: Stein Clinical Research building 126C
Activity Description: This core provides genotyping and serologic assays for murine models.
Major Equipment: Applied Biosystems real-time PCR, Molecular Devices plate reader