Website: Lipidomics Core
Primary Contacts: Dr. Oswald Quehenberger, Aaron Armando, Milda Simonaitis
Location: BSB Building, Room 4079
Activity Description: The Clinic contains eight exam rooms and one consultation room where participants and staff can discuss informed consent or other confidential information; two treatment rooms with two beds each, which accommodate research procedures; a medication room; lab processing room; centralized nursing station; and an experimental pharmacy.
Services offered at the clinic include conscious sedation; infusions; biopsies; oral glucose tolerance testing; pharmacokinetics studies with sample processing; phlebotomy (up to 600 ml); collection, processing, and shipping of specimens; dietary consultation; indirect calorimetry; and exercise testing. Equipment includes five infusion chairs, five exam tables, DEXA scanner, portable ultrasound, treadmill systems, a metabolic cart, and, in the near future, a Pyxis machine. Overnight stays can also be accommodated.
Major Equipment: SCIEX 6500 triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer (6500QTRAP), Waters Acquity Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) system, SCIEX 4000 triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer (4000QTRAP) with Shimazu High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system, ThermoFisher Q Exactive mass spectrometer with Vanquish UHPLC, Agilent 5975 gas chromatograph with Mass Selective Detector (GC/MSD), Gerstel Custom-Designed Robotic Workstation
Website: Multiplexd Quantatative Proteomic Services
Primary Contacts: Dr. David Gonzalez
Location: BSB Building, Room 4091
Activity Description: The Collaborative Center for Multiplexd Proteomics provides the following services:
- TMT Quantitative protein profiling from different sample origins
- TMT Quantitative Immunoprecipitation analysis
- TMT Phosphoproteomics analysis
- Single Mass Spectrometry Run (label-free)
It has expertise in processing human and murine samples that include organ tissues, blood, fecal material, and tissue culture models.
Major Equipment: Thermo Fusion Mass Spec and nanoLC1200