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Outside Professional Activities

Health Sciences Compensation Plan (HSCP) members may participate in outside professional activities. Income from outside professional activities may be retained only in accordance with the terms of APM 671, the Compensation Plan and the School’s Implementing Procedures. 


Outside professional activities are categorized based on the extent to which they are likely to constitute a conflict of commitment.   

  • Category I activities require prior approval by the Chancellor and annual disclosure.   
  • Category II activities do not require prior approval, but do require annual disclosure.  
  • Category III activities do not require prior approval or annual disclosure.   


All plan participants must complete an annual certification in the UC Outside Activity Tracking System (OATS), regardless of whether or not they have engaged in outside professional activities that year.  

Please refer to the OATS webpage for further information about reporting outside professional activities. 


Additional Resources: 


Questions related to outside professional activities and OATS may be directed to