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Many academic files, depending on review action, rank, and series must be reviewed by a committee of faculty with the expertise to ensure that the work of their colleagues supports the Health Sciences mission of exceptional teaching, research, and patient care.

For all Health Sciences Academic Affairs Dean's Office's File Submission Deadlines by Action, please review the Deadlines webpage.

In order for files to be reviewed in the most efficient manner, they should be submitted by specific deadlines in order to receive necessary committee review. Health Sciences faculty are reviewed by one or even two of the following four committees. Please see below for committee announcements, dates, scheduled deadlines for each committee:

SOMCAP - School of Medicine Committee on Academic Personnel

SOMCAP Schedule Beginning 2024 - 2025 

SOMCAP meets twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Monday beginning October 2024 through the end of July 2025 (contingent upon agenda items). They do not meet on scheduled University Holidays. Please direct any questions to the VCHS-AA Analyst, Jesse Hurtado ( 


Committee Members

Last Name First Name Membership
Edmonds Kyle Chair
Tomaszewski Christian Vice-Chair
Schlaepfer David ​Member at Large
Leu Amy Nicole ​Member at Large
Ramos Pedro ​Member at Large
Kalunian Kenneth ​Member at Large
​Coyne Christopher ​Member at Large


Committee Members (2023-2024)
Committee Members (2022-2023)
Committee Members (2021-2022)
Committee Members (2020-2021)
Committee Members (2019-2020)


Where SOMCAP Stood (2022-2023)

This is a report summarizing issues and topics that occupied the School of Medicine Committee on Academic Personnel (SOMCAP) during the 2022 - 2023 academic year. 

Please provide your feedback here.

CAP - Committee on Academic Personnel

Every Wednesday, CAP reviews appointments, promotions, and other review actions for the Professor, Professor In Residence, Clinical X, Adjunct, and Research Scientist series. The CAP Meeting schedule can be found on the UC Academic Senate Website here.

CAP will not meet on the following dates:

  • 11/23/22
  • 12/21/22
  • 12/28/22
  • 01/04/23
  • 03/22/23
  • 06/14/23

PSSRP - Project Scientists and Specialists Review Panel

PSSRP reviews appointments, promotions, and other review actions for the Project Scientist and Specialist series. The PSSRP Meeting Schedule can be found here.

AARP - Academic Administrator and Academic Coordinator Review Panel

AARP reviews appointments, promotions, and review actions for the Academic Administrator and Academic Coordinator series. The AARP Meeting Schedule can be found here.
For more information on Committee review actions, dates, and deadlines please consult the Academic Personnel Authority and Review Chart or contact your department's tier 2 analyst.