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1st Week Logistics

Email: Upon onboarding completion you can expect to receive a post-onboarding email from sharing a summation of important new hire information. You should also expect a separate welcome email from Health IT sharing your assigned UCSD email address and temporary password instructions to reset and make unique. 

UC ID#: ARC will also send your UCSD ID#.  This will be the same ID you will have throughout your employment at UC San Diego as well as any future UC campus.  Your ID# will be printed on your UCSD ID card, on your paycheck and will be viewable at the UCPath website. 

Building Access:  If you are physically located on the UC San Diego campus (La Jolla, Hillcrest or official UC San Diego location) you will be provided with information to obtain Health Sciences badge within post-onboarding email notifications released from your ARC analyst upon onboarding completion. Your department/school will request access to the appropriate buildings, floors, rooms that you require access to using the  Application for Physicians, Medical Staff, and GME or Application for Non-Medical Staff form.  

Campus ID Card: New Hires are also eligible for an optional UC San Diego campus ID card. This is different than your building access.  This card can serve as your official ID associating you with the campus. It also allows you to access the UCSD libraries, purchase and access recreation classes and facilities, get discounts and free admission to campus events and more. Follow this link to obtain a card and speak with your business office for the funding source to pay for your card. The charge is $25.

Reminder: You will have 31 days to enroll in benefits.  Coverage starts the day you are hired, however insurance cards and various carries (medical, dental, vision) may not have you in their system 4 -  6 weeks after you enroll. Therefore, the timeliness of your enrollment will have an impact to you especially if you have upcoming doctor’s appointments or require new or reoccurring prescription refills.

For retirement, you will have 90 days to elect your retirement tier, Savings Choice or Pension Choice. However, University will not begin to contribute until you have made your election. Meaning the University’s contribution will be prospective from the date you enroll. If you do not elect a retirement tier the default after 90 days is the Saving’s Choice. Learning more about your options here.