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Separations occur when an employee leaves their position(s) at the University. This can occur for a variety of reasons. Occasionally, personnel are laid off from their positions as a result of a lack of funding or workEmployees can also voluntarily resign either to pursue other opportunities outside of the University or to retire. The information contained below provides additional information about a layoff, resignation or retirement.  


Layoffs and Reductions in Time occur when departments/school are required to reduce staff due to changes in their financial situation, organizational structure, or lack of work. At times, they are able to meet these constraints by reducing their employees' work schedules, while other cases require separating one or more employees. These are always very difficult situations for departments/schools and their affected staff members. 

The information below is intended for use both by departments/schools and by affected staff members to help work through the process and ensure that the transition is easy for everyone involved. 

Why are layoffs conducted? 

Layoffs become necessary for a few different reasons: 

  • An employee does not have any work to perform. 
  • The position an employee occupies has lost funding. 
  • An employee's department/school is undergoing a reorganization and their position is not necessary within the new structure. 

How are employees notified of layoffs? 

Employees are notified of impending layoffs after they've been approved by the appropriate authorities. Per the UC San Diego Policy and Procedure Manual, there is a minimum required period of time before a proposed layoff date within which the affected employee must be notified. This period of time is determined by the affected employee's title code, and is either 30 or 90 days. Please click here to determine your notice period for your title code. 

What resources are available to employees who have been selected for layoff? 

There are several resources available for employees who have been selected for layoff to ensure that they are able to quickly secure new employment either inside or outside of the University and avoid breaks in University service. Several of the options are as follows: 

  • Recall and Preferential Rehire: For a period of up to 12 months following a layoff or a reduction in time, an employee is categorized as being on "layoff" status. During that time, they are eligible to be recalled to their old department/school in another position for which they are qualified or hired into a different department/school for a similar position. Preference for re-employment is determined both by whether a candidate's current status (layoffs take priority over reductions-in-time) as well as for how long they've been on layoff status. For more information, please refer to the Policy and Procedure Manual section linked to at the bottom of the page. 
  • Reasonable Efforts to Find Suitable Employment: For non-Senate faculty employees, the department chair/school dean should make a reasonable effort to find a faculty member another suitable position at UC San Diego. 
  • Leave of Absence Without Pay: If an employee has a reasonable opportunity to transfer to a different University position within 90 days of the proposed layoff date, they can be placed on a Leave of Absence status to avoid a break in service. 
  • Non-Salaried Status: If there's a reasonable expectation for funding for a position to become available within 90 days of the proposed layoff, the employee may be placed on non-salaried status in their current title. If those 90 days expire without funding being secured, the employee will be placed on layoff status. 

Please complete the General Inqury form on the ARC Portal in order to request a layoff. 


Resignations occur when faculty or staff voluntarily leave their positions at the University. Usually, this is to accept another position at a different institution, but resignations can occur for other reasons as well. 

A letter of resignation is required, and inclusion of the employee's future place of employment is encouraged. This letter should be submitted through the Separation Request form as soon as the department/school receives the resignation letter.


Employees who are preparing for retirement can find the appropriate steps on UCnet . Retirement processes are handled by the UC Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC). They can also be contacted regarding general questions surrounding the retirement process. 

A letter of resignation due to retirement is required, and confirmation of last day worked. This letter should be submitted through the Separation Request form as soon as the department/school receives the resignation letter.


When a UC employee dies, the department/school where they worked should be notified as soon as possible. The department/school, in turn, will notify the appropriate UC Payroll, Human Resources, and/or Benefits Office.

Fidelity Retirement Services should also be notified.

For UC Path instructions on reporting death please click here. 

Please be prepared to provide basic information about the deceased, including: 

  • Name 
  • Employee ID if known 
  • Date of Death if known
  • Last Day worked if known
  • Contact information for person reporting death 

The department/school should also be prepared to provide the following information for any surviving family members: 

  • Names 
  • Contact information 

More information about survivor benefits can be found in the Survivor Beneficiary Handbook.