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Endowed Chairs Process

Endowed Chairs (EC) are reserved for distinguished faculty. An Endowed Chair provides funds to the chair holder for support of their teaching, research, and service.

Information on creation and appointment to Endowed Chairs at UCSD, including those in Health Sciences, are listed on the UCSD Blink website. Utilize the Blink Website to view the Endowed Chair Quick Guide.

UCSD Health Sciences has 3 types of Endowed Chairs: Administrative, Department-Based and Non-Department-Based. Additionally, there are two Endowed Chair initiatives in place called the 2014 Presidential Match and the Chancellor’s Challenge, which have matching funds. Regardless of the type, they are commonly referred to as “Endowed Chairs” (including Professorships).

Please refer to policy APM 191 and PPM 230-8 for information and guidelines regarding establishment, naming, appointments, reappointments, funding, and disestablishment of Endowed Chairs.

Materials provided to CAP for appt/reappt review:

  • Recommendations: 
    • Sr. AVC-AA/ EVC Endowed Chair Transmittal Letter to CAP 
    • Dean/AVC Letter 
    • Department Chair Letter 
    • Nomination Committee Letter (if not waived) 
  • Endowed Chair Establishment and Naming Documents 
  • CV/BioBib (Ensure no personal information such as home phone/home address/birthdays/etc are included in the CV, otherwise should be redacted) 
  • Previous Review File 


Award Details (FAQ’s) Pearl-Hannah Scholars Award

  • Award amount: $20,000 per year for max term of 5 years (total $100,000 over 5 years), with expected satisfactory progress. Awardee will provide a brief report annually
  • Candidate rank: The award is intended for junior faculty at the assistant rank, generally within 2-3 years prior to promotion to associate rank
    • If the awardee is promoted to the Associate rank during the award period but before reaching the maximum five-year term, they are eligible to retain the award
  • Eligibility includes: early career physician-scientists who:
    • Have or will be applying for a K01 award
    • Are within the first few years or has completed a Career Development Award
    • Have or will be applying for an R01
    • Have a VA Merit during this timeframe
  • Additional requirements:
    • Awardee must acknowledge support from this award in their publications
    • Awardee is required to respond to requests and report to donors periodically
    • Awardee can list the award on their CV and are authorized to use the title Pearl-Hannah Scholar in professional contexts, including on business cards, email signatures, and other official communications


Request for Applications Deadline: April 18, 2025

Request for Applications

Application Information​​​​


Appointment Types



About Appointment Type



About Appointment Type

Administrative Chair


About Appointment Type