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We protect patients by preventing and treating the cybersecurity threats affecting our connected healthcare system, using a data-driven, research-based collaborative approach.

Healthcare Ransomware Resiliency and Response Program (H-R3P)

H-R3P seeks to develop evidence-based interventions to reduce the impact of cyberattacks on health care delivery organizations (HDOs) by identifying ransomware incidents, understanding the impacts with respect to disruption on acute clinical workflows, and deploying substitute systems during a ransomware emergency. H-R3P's goal is to develop clinician-focused tools and techniques for improving capacity for and quality of care during cyberattacks.





Develop and model best practices for data-driven, patient safety-oriented healthcare cybersecurity research.

Refine educational techniques including high fidelity clinical simulation and multi-disciplinary training curriculums to advance and develop cybersecurity-literate healthcare workforces.

Pioneer novel, low cost, high impact mechanisms allowing hospitals to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from ransomware attacks.

Create a dynamic, highly collaborative environment where medical device manufacturers can develop academic research and clinical applications within a highly connected, quaternary care academic health system.



Healthcare cybersecurity is in critical condition.

An increasingly digital healthcare system reeling from the pandemic faces structural challenges while dealing with razor thin budgets and workforce shortages.

Ransomware infections are plaguing hospitals at an increasing rate, resulting in dangerous patient care impacts and devastating financial losses.

Connected medical devices and consumer digital technologies are increasingly integrated but poorly protected.